We deliver the following training:


Training Audience

The training offered is addressed to both individual recipients as well as employees referred to trainings by their employers.


Training Methods

Training can be delivered by various methods: classroom course, virtual classroom (real-time interactive online), in the form of e-learning via the Offshore Training Centre platform or made available on the operator’s platform.



Individual customers should pay for the training before it starts or on agreed dates and forms of payment.
Institutional customers pay after receiving the invoice.



Enrolment for classroom courses and virtual classroom courses  is accepted by phone or via e-mail: szkolenia@offshoretraining.pl


Training delivery

Access to most on-line training can be achieved directly via the educational platform and neither registration nor operator contact is required.

After completing the training and passing the test, you can print  confirmation of the training completion all by yourself.
Should you be additionally interested in receiving a certificate of training, please contact the operator before the training in order to undergo the procedure of pre-training identification.

Training certified in Norway is delivered according to the calendar regardless of the number of registered participants.

The list of training offered, including information on the method of their delivery, availability, language, duration and price, can be seen below.

        Our Training

Completed Training – Photo Gallery

Contact us

Offshore Training Centre

ul. Samorzadowa 1
84-217 Szemud, Poland
NIP  957 09 65 555

+48 572 283 338