Training audience
Personnel working in land-based industries, the offshore industry and public administration; project managers, line managers, working environment/HSE committee members, safety representatives and project staff.
Training duration
Course last for 16 hours (2 days).
Training method
The stationary training includes theoretical and practical parts. Remote form of the theoretical part is possible.
Plastic card, printed in Norway by certified company under Norwegian Labour Code regulations.
Prior to issuing of original certyficate in form of a plastic card, acredited instructor will issue a Temporary Certificate authorizing commence of employment.
Norwegian – Verneombud Course
Safety representatives shall be elected at all undertakings.
The number of safety representatives shall be decided according to the size of the undertaking, the nature of the work and working conditions in general. If the undertaking consists of several separate departments or if employees work shifts, at least one safety representative shall generally be elected for each department or shift team.
Working enviromen act Section 6-5.
(1) The employer shall ensure that safety representatives receive the training necessary to enable them to perform their duties in a proper manner. The Ministry may by regulation lay down further requirements regarding such training.
The training is combination 2 days of meeting and internet courses HES Basic module and safety at workplace.
The training includes the following thematic blocks:
- Norwegian labor law
- Regulations of the Norwegian Labor Inspectorate
- tasks and responsibilities of the proponent for EHS
- tasks and responsibilities of commission for working environment
- phisiologic aspects of the working environment
- psychosocial aspects of the working environment
- safety levels, risk analysis, implementation of EHS activities
- accidents, accident prevention
- internal control system in the workplace
Course price: 3000 PLN
tel +48 572 283 338
Contact us
Offshore Training Centre
ul. Samorzadowa 1
84-217 Szemud, Poland
NIP 957 09 65 555