Target group

Personnel working at heights in Norway


Training duration

The course lasts one day and may be conducted in Polish or English.
The practical exercises involve the use of a variety of equipment so that the participant gains knowledge of many different types of it.


Training method

Classroom course encompassing both theoretical and practical components.
The theoretical component may be conducted in a virtual, live classroom.



Norwegian Certificate of Competency in form of plastic card with photo. Valid indefinitely.

Prior to issuing of original certyficate in form of a plastic card, acredited instructor will issue a Temporary Certificate authorizing commence of employment.

Norwegian Working at Heights

On completion of the course, the participant will: possess the necessary competence to work at heights, and the awareness of the risks this entails.  They will also be in a position to assess risks and requirements connected to specific tasks performed at heights.  The participant will have gained knowledge of the use of personal-protection measures and equipment to prevent falling.

The Norwegian name for the course is: “Arbeid i høyden / fallsikring”.


The course consists of the following topic blocks:

  • regulation on work performance (“Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid” regulation No 703 of the Norwegian Labour Inspectorate)
  • regulation on organisation, management and cooperation (“Forskrift om organisering, ledelse og medvirkning”, regulation No 1355)
  • regulation on the workplace (“Arbeidsplassforskriften”, regulation No 1356)
  • regulation on the producer (“Produsentforskriften”, regulation No 1359)
  • causes of accidents while working at heights
  • correct performance of security measures in the workplace
  • risk assessment and the analysis of safe working
  • collective and individual protection measures while working at heights
  • inspection and correct adjustment of safety equipment
  • correct use of harnesses and safety pulleys while working
  • procedures in the event of accidents


Course price: PLN 1300

tel +48 572 283 338

Contact us

Offshore Training Centre

ul. Samorzadowa 1
84-217 Szemud, Poland
NIP  957 09 65 555

+48 572 283 338